Monday, October 22, 2012

Prototyping - week 3

This week each design team member was tasked with concepting out different elements of the game's art. I was tasked with concepting out what the sky might look like. Being an alien planet, it was fun to play around with what differences you might see when you looked up from an alien world. We decided that the game would have a day/night cycle and would primarily take place at night (short day cycles). I would have used two or more suns for fun and effect, but since our game has short days that wouldn't make much sense, so I just ended up using one. However, I did use multiple moons to give the alien sky a unique feel. Below is what I came up with.

Prototyping - week 2

This week the design team was tasked with combining concepts and art styles to create more cohesive concepts. Everyone really liked Jake's tree concept, so I took that concept and ran with it to try and match the style and take in new directions. Below is what I came up with.

Prototyping - week 1

This week we decided to make a survival/horror style game set in a futuristic time on an alien world. I was placed into the design team for the project. Each design team member was tasked with coming up with 2 creatures, 5 foliage, 2 scenery, and 1 miscellaneous concepts for a total of 10 concepts. We also talked about using stylized realism so I did my best to approach my concepts with that in mind. Below are the concepts I came up with.